Contrary to popular belief, our unit does not receive any tax payer funding in the Kern County Budget. The Sheriff's department does provide fuel, insurance, and maintenance of the over the road vehicles, after they have been purchased. All of our equipment, from the packs on our back to the vehicles taking us to a location, were donated, purchased through donations, or supplied by members themselves. Our team is made up of volunteers and we do not receive a salary for our services. Without the support of our community and the commitment of our team, we would not be able to provide professional search and rescue services.

There is so much more equipment not pictured here, including ropes, pulleys, carabineers, off-highway vehicles, medical supplies, etc. -- all of which is vitally important to serve our community when our neighbors or loved ones are lost, hurt, or in danger. The same equipment is used when another Kern County Search and Rescue Unit requests assistance or when California’s Office of Emergency Services makes a request to support an out-of-county call anywhere in the state. We also meticulously maintain our equipment and ensure it is replaced on a regular basis so that when our team and equipment is called upon, we are ready for quick deployment.
Your donations make all this possible!