Killing Fake Birds and Saving Real Lives!
9th Annual Sporting Clay Tournament
Raffle Winners
Smith and Wesson Shield Plus 9mm....Faith Brand
Smith and Wesson Shield Plus 9mm....Bruce Fest
Glock 19....Ernie Lancaster
Ruger .22 Pistol... Teresa Constancio
Springfield 1911....Thomas Swanson
Rossi 357 Lever Action....Shawn Phillips
Rossi 30-30 Lever Action...Ted Brummer
American Ruger Creedmoor 6.5...Clay Darling
AR-15....Mike Condelana
Keystone Crickett .22....Alexander Nerburth
Mossburg 12ga Shotgun...Lucy Stanfield
Ruger 22-45 Pistol...Walt Burnett
Kimber 45 Ultra Carry...Bill Hamiliton
Thank you for your support.
Please join us next year!